Purpose: Adding an aspiration role gives employees a clear understanding of the accountabilities, skills required, and gaps to develop to work toward their aspired roles.

To add aspiration role:

STEP 1: Login into TalentPulse > Switch to candidate view > at the profile tab > go to My Aspiration page > Click “Edit”

STEP 2: Candidates can choose and select their aspired role. The system will display 3 roles on this page. If those roles are not relevant, the candidate can either click on the refresh button at the top right corner or search for the role using the search box.

STEP 3: Selected aspiration role will be displayed under “Selected aspiration”. Candidate can edit the selected aspiration role by clicking the “x” button under the role name and choose another role by repeating step 2. Click “Save” once the role is confirmed.

Every candidate can select up to maximum 3 aspiration role. 

STEP 4: The aspiration role will be displayed under “My Aspiration” tab.