A candidate will receive an invitation email if they are invited to perform skills rating. By clicking the “Start Now” button in the email, candidate will be directed to TalentPulse platform > completion of talent profile page.
To perform skills rating:
STEP 1: Under Profile tab > Go to Skills page > Click Edit
STEP 2: A pop-out page will appear with the skills listing for the current role.
STEP 3: If the skill listing is relevant, candidates can select the skill and rate themselves based on the pre-defined level.
Candidate may skip the skill if they think it’s not relevant to their current role.
STEP 4: There is an informative button where candidate can check on the skill description and proficiency level description before the actual rating.
STEP 5: Candidate can add additional skills on top of the skill listing by selecting from the dropdown or search from the dropdown.
STEP 6: Similarly, candidates have to rate themselves for the additional skills added.
Additional skills will be taken into consideration when candidates are benchmarking themselves with other roles.
STEP 7: Click “Save” once all skills ratings have been completed.